If you can't seem to find yourself motivated because of several reasons, take a deep breath and try to motivate yourself with these simple yet effective tips: 1.Close your eyes, and visualize yourself reaching your goals. 2.Try something new today. 3.Take a walk in a park, and let nature reset your mind. 4.Make a to-do list. You'll feel encouraged as you cross off items. 5.Get more sleep. Sleep deprivation could be making you less motivated. 6.Drink coffee for a quick jolt. 7.Start exercising, and you'll feel like yourself 8.Take a small step. You don't have to immediately immerse yourself in the project and see it until completion right away. Just make baby steps, and take it one day at a time. 9.Wake yourself up from your slump with a cold shower. 10.Have a reward system, so you'll have something to look forward to. 11.When doing a task you don't want to do, play energizing music to help you get through it. 12.Get the hard stuff done first thing in...
Here we go... I start my life with running. Running against my fellow competitor,my enemy. I became first in that race. I entered to the room where I got my reward. I became strong got fused, ran and found a suitable place where I could stay for the time to become independent. I succeed to become independent. I came out to a world where I could be hero or may be zero. I got scared but found myself in a place where I could get anything without even asking. Then I grew up, learnt to survive with the help of others. I tried to adapt myself to the scenario that was not favourable to me. I tried to be myself but I could not. I became a person who I was not satisfied with. I found that I was nothing in this world. I took the challenge to be something in this world. I made the mind setup to become a person what I had wanted. But again I failed, sometimes I became disappointed. I became horribly misfired, demolished, weak and most importantly just not me. I knew I had some weak point. I was no...