Here we go... I start my life with running. Running against my fellow competitor,my enemy. I became first in that race. I entered to the room where I got my reward. I became strong got fused, ran and found a suitable place where I could stay for the time to become independent. I succeed to become independent. I came out to a world where I could be hero or may be zero. I got scared but found myself in a place where I could get anything without even asking. Then I grew up, learnt to survive with the help of others. I tried to adapt myself to the scenario that was not favourable to me. I tried to be myself but I could not. I became a person who I was not satisfied with. I found that I was nothing in this world. I took the challenge to be something in this world. I made the mind setup to become a person what I had wanted. But again I failed, sometimes I became disappointed. I became horribly misfired, demolished, weak and most importantly just not me. I knew I had some weak point. I was not perfect. I didn't want to be perfect. I just wanted to be myself but I couldn't due to their circumstances.
The stage is different now... there is much more things to do... there is much more legitimate idea to be performed... So how I'll gonna face it...(to be continued)